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Université de Nantes - faculté des Sciences et Techniques ( FST )Petit Port
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Publications référencées sur HAL

Revues internationales avec comité de lecture (ART_INT)
- [1] M. Chetto, A. Queudet. Feasibility Analysis of Periodic Real-Time Systems with Energy Harvesting Capabilities. In Sustainable Computing : Informatics and Systems ; éd. Elsevier, 2019.
- [2] M. Abu Taha, S. El Assad, A. Queudet, O. Déforges. Design and Efficient Implementation of a Chaos-based Stream Cipher. In International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions. ; éd. Inderscience Enterprises, 2017.
- [3] M. Abu Taha, S. El Assad, A. Queudet, O. Déforges. Design and Efficient Implementation of a Chaos-based Stream Cipher. In International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions. ; éd. Inderscience Enterprises, 2017, vol. 7, num. 2.
- [4] A. Queudet, N. Abdallah, M. Chetto. KTS: a real-time mapping algorithm for NoC-based many-cores. In Journal of Supercomputing ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2017, vol. 73, num. 8.
- [5] S. Cotard, A. Queudet, J. Béchennec, S. Faucou, Y. Trinquet. STM-HRT: A Robust and Wait-Free STM for Hard Real-Time Multicore Embedded Systems. In ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) ; éd. ACM, 2015, vol. 14, num. 4.
- [6] M. Chetto, A. Queudet. Clairvoyance and Online Scheduling in Real-Time Energy Harvesting Systems. In Real-Time Systems ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2014, vol. 50, num. 2.
- [7] M. Chetto, A. Queudet. A Note on EDF Scheduling for Real-Time Energy Harvesting Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Computers ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2014, vol. 63, num. 4.
- [8] A. Marchand, M. Chetto. Quality of Service Scheduling in Real-Time Systems. In International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control ; éd. Agora University of Oradea, 2008, vol. 3, num. 4.
- [9] M. Chetto, T. Garcia, A. Marchand. CLEOPATRE: Open-source Operating System Facilities for Real-time Embedded Applications. In Journal of Computing and Information Technology ; éd. University Computing Centre Zagreb, 2007.
- [10] M. Chetto, A. Marchand. Dynamic Scheduling of Skippable Periodic Tasks: Issues and Proposals. In Journal of Software ; éd. Science in China Press, 2007, vol. 2, num. 5.
Conférences internationales avec comité de lecture et actes (COMM_INT)
- [11] H. Zahaf, N. Capodieci, A. Queudet. Scheduling real-time template-tasks on manycores heterogeneous platforms. In IEEE 14th International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, octobre 2024, Chengdu, China, Chine.
- [12] M. Mohamed Abdulla, M. Chetto, A. Queudet. Real-time Scheduling and Resource Management for Energy Autonomous Sensors. In IFAC World Congress 2023, juillet 2023, Yokohama, Japon.
- [13] M. Mohamed Abdulla, M. Chetto, A. Queudet, L. Belouaer. On designing cyber-physical-social systems with energy-neutrality and real-time capabilities. In the 4th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS), mai 2021, Victoria (on line), Canada.
- [14] A. Quillet, A. Queudet, D. Lime. Analysis of Polka Contention Manager for use in Multicore Hard Real-Time Systems. In International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS’20), juin 2020, Paris, France.
- [15] M. Chetto, A. Queudet. EDF-based real-time scheduling for self-powered sensors: a survey of main theoretical results. In 2020 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision (ISCV), juin 2020, Fez, Maroc.
- [16] M. Chetto, A. Queudet. EDF-based real-time scheduling for self-powered sensors : a survey of main theoretical results. In IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision, juin 2020, Fez, Maroc.
- [17] A. Queudet, M. Chetto. Energy-aware Aperiodic Task Servers for Firm Real-time Energy harvesting Systems. In IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications, novembre 2020, Rhodes Island, Grèce.
- [18] K. Hammoudi, M. Taha, H. Benhabiles, M. Melkemi, F. Windal, S. El Assad, A. Queudet. Image-based Ciphering of Video Streams and Object Recognition for Urban and Vehicular Surveillance Services. In International Conference on Information and Computer Technology, mars 2019, London, Royaume-Uni.
- [19] M. Taha, S. El Assad, A. Queudet. Parallel Generator of Discrete Sequences using Multi-Threading Approach. In International Conference on Future Information Technology, avril 2018, Salerno, Italie.
- [20] A. Hassan, A. Queudet, M. Oussalah. Evolution style: framework for modeling dynamic evolution of real-time software architecture. In 10TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE (ECSA 2016), 2016, Copenhague, Danemark.
- [21] M. Abu Taha, S. El Assad, O. Jallouli, A. Queudet, O. Déforges. Design of a pseudo-chaotic number generator as a random number generator. In The 11th International Conference on Communications, juin 2016, Bucarest, Roumanie.
- [22] O. Jallouli, M. Abu Taha, S. El Assad, M. Chetto, A. Queudet, O. Déforges. Comparative Study of two Pseudo Chaotic Number Generators for Securing the IoT. In International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2016), septembre 2016, Jaipur, Inde.
- [23] M. Abu Taha, S. El Assad, M. Farajallah, A. Queudet, O. Deforges. Chaos-based cryptosystems using dependent diffusion: An overview. In International Conference on Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, décembre 2015, Londres, Royaume-Uni.
- [24] M. Abdallah, M. Chetto, A. Queudet, R. Hage Chehade. Stability and Robustness Issues in Real-Time sustainable wireless sensors. In IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications, août 2013, Beijing, Chine.
- [25] S. Faucou, S. Cotard, J. Béchennec, A. Queudet, Y. Trinquet. A Data Flow Monitoring Service Based on Runtime Verification for AUTOSAR. In 2012 IEEE 14th Int'l Conf. on High Performance Computing and Communication (HPCC) & 2012 IEEE 9th Int'l Conf. on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS), juin 2012, Liverpool, Royaume-Uni.
- [26] M. Abdallah, M. Chetto, A. Queudet. Scheduling with Quality of Service requirements in Real-Time Energy Harvesting sensors. In Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom), 2012 IEEE International Conference on, novembre 2012, Besancon, France.
- [27] M. Abdallah, M. Chetto, A. Queudet. Energy-aware schedulers for Real-Time Energy Harvesting systems with Quality of Service requirements. In 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications (ACTEA), 2012, décembre 2012, beirut, Liban.
- [28] N. Abdallah, A. Queudet, M. Chetto, R. Hage Chehade. Partitioned EDF Scheduling in Multicore systems with Quality of Service constraints. In 18th IEEE International Conference onElectronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), 2011, décembre 2011, beirut, Liban.
- [29] T. Sarni, A. Queudet, P. Valduriez. Real-time scheduling of transactions in multicore systems. In Workshop on Massively Multiprocessor and Multicore Computers, février 2009, Rocquencourt, France.
- [30] T. Sarni, A. Queudet, P. Valduriez. Real-Time Support for Software Transactional Memory. In IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), août 2009, Beijing, Chine.
- [31] T. Sarni, A. Queudet, P. Valduriez. Software Transactional Memory: Worst Case Execution Time Analysis. In International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems, octobre 2009, Paris, France.
- [32] A. Marchand, M. Chetto. Dynamic scheduling of periodic skippable tasks in an overloaded real-time system. In IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, mars 2008, Doha, Qatar.In IEEE Computer Society (éds.), Proceedings of IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications. , 2008.
Conférences nationales avec comité de lecture et actes (COMM_NAT)
- [33] M. Chetto, A. Queudet. Scheduling and Power Management Facilities in Linux/RTAI for Real-time Systems powered by Ambient Energy Source. In Conférence Francophone en Systèmes d'Exploitation, mai 2011, St Malo, France.
Ouvrages - Chapitres d‘ouvrages et directions d‘ouvrages (OUV)
- [34] M. Chetto, A. Queudet. Sistemas de tiempo real autónomos en energı́a. 01-02-2020
- [35] M. Chetto, A. Queudet. Systèmes temps réel autonomes en énergie - Tome 2. 01-05-2017
- [36] M. Chetto, A. Queudet. Energy Autonomy of Real-Time Systems. 01-11-2016
- [37] A. Queudet, M. Chetto. Quality of Service Scheduling in the Firm Real-Time Systems. In Real-Time Systems, Architecture, Scheduling, and Application. 11-04-2012
Theses et HDR (THESE)
- [38] A. Queudet. Synchronisation et Autonomie énergétique des Systèmes temps réel embarqués.
Autres publications (AUTRES)
- [39] M. Chetto, A. Queudet. Clairvoyance et Ordonnancement en Ligne dans les systèmes temps réel récupérant l'Energie Ambiante. Rapport technique, 2013 ; .